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Project team just started field stage of the Public opinion poll aimed at research of the pubic attitude to LGBT and the ways of its improvement, ordered by the International NGO “Gay-Alliance Ukraine”.
Research will be held in 8 regions of Ukraine, covering 100 respondents in each. Results of the research will be processed and presented as Analytical report, including information on general attitude of the public to LGBT and factors influencing such attitude; as well as recommendations for further work with general public aimed at improvement of their attitude towards LGBT.
Read more: Project team just started field stage of the Public...Project team just ended the field stage of the bio-behavioral research “Monitoring of the MSM Behavior and HIV Infecting among MSM as Component of the Epidemiological Surveillance of the 2nd Generation”, ordered by the ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance Ukraine”.
The research is conducted in cooperation with the Center of Social Expertizes of the IS NASU with financial support of the ICF "International HIV/AIDS Alliance Ukraine"
Read more: Project team just ended the field stage of the...