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Field stage just started in the frameworks of the Project “Field studies (face-to-face interviews, focus groups) in the framework of the mapping of CSO engagement in policy formulation and monitoring of policy implementation in Ukraine”
The Project is implemented by the Charitable Foundation in cooperation with the Center of Social Expertizes of the IS NASU with financial support of the EU.
Read more: Field stage just started in the frameworks of the Project...Project Analysis of existing polls in 2011-2013, concerning the main problems of the Ukrainian society, the priorities of domestic and foreign policy of Ukraine
Project was implemented by the experts of the Charitable Foundation in cooperation with the Center of Social Expertizes of the IS NASU with financial support of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank Group) in January - February 2014.
Read more: Project Analysis of existing polls in 2011-2013,...Project team just started field stage of the research «Survey among law enforcement bodies’ representatives, including police, judges and prosecutors about free secondary legal help»
Research is planned to be conducted in 10 oblasts of Ukraine.Survey will be conducted by the semi-structured in-depth interviews method according to the 3 guides. Analytical report is planned to be developed based on the field stage results.
Read more: Project team just started field stage of the research...Experts of the Charitable Foundation Intelektualna Perspektyva began 2014 with the new Projects
In tight cooperation with the Center of Social Expertizes CFIP began 2 new Projects, funded by the Ukrainian center on socially dangerous diseases control under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Read more: Experts of the Charitable Foundation Intelektualna...